Hot Work Permits

Effective: Moved to Policy Library from UPM 12.12(23)
Reviewed: March 2022
Contact: Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S)


Hot work operations include, but are not limited to, welding, brazing, torch cutting, and torch soldering. Hot work presents serious fire hazards that ignite thousands of unintentional fires every year. The Iowa State University Hot Work Permit Program has been developed to ensure compliance with applicable Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) and National Fire Protection Association codes.

Policy Statement

Departments performing hot work activities must adhere to the requirements of the Iowa State University Hot Work Permit Program. Adherence includes designating Permit Authorizing Individuals who will inspect hot work areas for compliance in accordance with the program and issue hot work permits.

Employees are responsible for obtaining hot work permits whenever hot work is performed outside of designated hot work areas which have been approved as such by Environmental Health and Safety.
