Employee Records
Effective: Moved to Policy Library from UPM 3.1(14)
Reviewed and Updated: July 1, 2019
For Staff Records Contact: UHR Service Center
For Faculty Records Contact: Senior Vice President and Provost Office
University Human Resources (UHR) and the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost (SVPP) are responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the official personnel records regarding the employee's employment relationship with the university.
Policy Statement
Certain information concerning employees will be treated as public information. This information includes work address, work phone, work fax and ISU email address; dates of employment, positions held, and pay.
Employee social security numbers are protected. Information related to ethnicity, gender, disability, and veterans status are collected to meet federal requirements for collecting and reporting statistical data and will only be released for legitimate university business purposes or as required by law.
Medical information and information collected for the purpose of administering benefits programs or addressing employee health concerns is confidential and will not be released except for purposes of administering the benefits program or addressing the employee concern. Medical information will be maintained separately from other personnel information.
The official personnel files for non-faculty employees are maintained by University Human Resources. The official personnel files for faculty are maintained by the SVPP Office. An employee may have access to his or her official personnel and medical files as long as it is done at an appropriate time, place, and manner. All information is presumed to be confidential to anyone but the employee except when information is needed for official university purposes, when the employee gives written authorization, or when information is public information under law or covered by a valid court order.
- Records Retention Policy
- Hiring and Employment Policy
- Resignations, Separations, and Terminations Policy
- Employment References and Background Checks Policy
- Social Security Number Protection Policy
- Recruitment and Selection Policy – P&S
- Files—Access by Employees, Iowa Code Chapter 91B.1
- Open Records, Iowa Code Chapter 22