Reasonable Accommodations for Employees and Applicants (Religion)

Effective: September 1, 2024
Contact: University Human Resources (UHR) 


Policy Statement
Who Should Know
Requesting Accommodation
Interactive Process
Providing Accommodation
- Resources


This policy explains the university’s administration and facilitation of the interactive process to identify reasonable religious workplace accommodations. top

Policy Statement


Iowa State University respects the religious beliefs, practices, or observances of all employees and will reasonably accommodate an employee or applicant’s religious beliefs, practices, or observances, unless doing so would cause a burden that is substantial in the overall context of the university’s business considering all relevant factors.

It is the policy of Iowa State University to reasonably accommodate the sincerely held religious beliefs, practices or observances of individuals who are current employees of ISU or applicants for employment at ISU. 

Iowa State University is compliant with state and federal law. top

Who Should Know 

This policy applies to all Iowa State University employees. Additionally, this policy applies to all applicants for employment during the job application process. 

Further, managers and human resource employees have roles in creating an inclusive environment by identifying requests, providing resources, and engaging in the interactive process for reasonable accommodation. top

Requesting Accommodation 

University Human Resources (UHR) encourages early engagement (at least 30 days in advance of the event, if possible) in requesting accommodations for religious reasons. Employees and applicants may request accommodation at any time during the application process or course of employment. 

Current employees and applicants for employment are responsible for requesting a reasonable accommodation from UHR. Generally, requests for reasonable accommodation are made to the UHR Leave and Accommodation Coordinator.

When an employee changes positions within the university, reasonable accommodations from the previously held position will be reassessed in the next position as the essential functions of the next position may be different. Employees are responsible for contacting UHR to request accommodation in their next position. top

Interactive Process 

UHR coordinates the process of reasonable accommodations to maintain consistency across the university. 

The interactive process is initiated after a written accommodation request is made to the UHR Leave and Accommodation Coordinator. 

The process includes the requesting employee or applicant and UHR working together through an individualized assessment to identify and implement reasonable accommodations that do not impose undue hardship upon the university. If consensus is not reached on a reasonable accommodation, the Leave and Accommodation Coordinator will make a final determination on behalf of the university.

Appeals regarding accommodation requests or accommodation decisions may be submitted to the Office of Equal Opportunity. top

Providing Accommodation 

Accommodation requests will be coordinated through UHR to ensure the accommodation is determined to be reasonable through the interactive process. UHR will maintain regular communication with the employee or applicant throughout the interactive process, but after an accommodation is made it is the employee or applicant’s responsibility to bring any additional concerns or questions to the attention of UHR. 

An accommodation may be provided as long as it remains reasonable and does not create an undue hardship upon the university. Factors that are considered in determining the accommodation include:

  • The nature of the accommodation requested;
  • The duration of the request;
  • Alternative accommodations;
  • The impact on the operation of the department or unit;
  • The ability of the individual to perform the essential functions of the position if the accommodation is granted; and
  • Whether the accommodation would cause an undue hardship including if it is costly, compromises workplace safety, decreases workplace efficiency, or infringes on the rights of other employees

Additional review and adjustment of the workplace accommodations may occur. 

An employee is not required to accept an accommodation; however, employees with a religious accommodation have the same performance and conduct standards as employees without an accommodation. If the employee rejects a reasonable accommodation necessary to perform the essential functions of the position, then the employee may be unable to perform their position and may need to be separated. top
