Personnel, Conduct & Human Relations
Benefits, Classifications, Salary Adjustments, Privacy, Student Employees, Discrimination, Conflicts of Interest and Commitment, Background Checks, Hiring Authority, Dismissal, Volunteers...
Conduct & Ethics
- Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources
- Business Ethics Awareness and Compliance Program [PDF]
- Chalking on Campus
- Code of Business and Fiduciary Conduct
- Conduct at Public Events (681 IAC 13.16)
- Conflict of Interest
- Conflicts of Interest and Commitment
- Consenting Relationships
- Drug Free Workplace
- Employment of Out-of-State and Out-of-Country (International) Residents
- Firearms and Other Weapons
- Gifts
- Non-Retaliation Against Persons Reporting Misconduct
- Reporting Responsibility - Violations
- Research Misconduct
- Sexual Misconduct (now Title IX)
- Title IX Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking
- Uniform Rules of Personal Conduct, IAC 681-9.1
- Violence-Free University
Equal Opportunity & Diversity
- Accident and Incident Prevention, Reporting, and Investigation
- Account Collection, Employee
- Additional Compensation
- Alcohol, Drugs, and Other Intoxicants
- Appointment Authority
- Background Checks, Employment Verification and
- Benefits Eligibility
- Child Labor
- Children in the Workplace
- Compensation Administration
- Consulting
- Course Work Enrollment - Personnel
- Delegation of Authority (Non-Employment) - Interim
- Donated Leave for Catastrophic Illness or Injury
- E-Cigarettes
- EASE (Employee Activity Summary of Effort)
- Effort Reporting and Certification
- Employment of Out-of-State and Out-of-Country (International) Residents
- Employment References and Background Checks
- Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Safe Harbor
- Free Speech (Non-Commercial Expressive Activities)
- Hiring and Employment
- Legal Counsel
- Memberships in Organizations
- Moving Expenses for New Employees
- Nepotism (See Regents Policy Manual §2.1.4 H)
- Non-Exempt Time Reporting
- Parking Rules and Regulations
- Pay Transparency
- Personal Use and Misuse of University Property
- Phased and Early Retirement, Board of Regents Manual 2.1.2.H
- Phased Retirement Program, Iowa State University
- Post-Retirement Employment
- Reasonable Accommodations for Employees and Applicants (Disability)
- Reemployment – Return from Disability
- Rehire from Retirement
- Resignations, Terminations, Separations
- Responsible Conduct of Research Training - NSF and NIH Required
- Retention of University Records
- Running for Elective Office
- Smoke-Free Campus
- Staying Safe - ISU Police
- Summer Hours - Guidance for 2020
- Undergraduate Student-Employee Grievances
- Visiting Scholars
- Volunteers
- Youth Activities, Pre-Collegiate Programs and Camps
- Appointment - Faculty (FHB 3)
- Conduct - Faculty (FHB 7)
- Employment of Out-of-State and Out-of-Country (International) Residents
- Evaluation and Review - Faculty (FHB 5)
- Grievances - Faculty (FHB 9)
- Hiring and Employment
- Named Faculty Positions
- Promotion and Tenure - Faculty (FHB 5)
- Recognition and Development - Faculty (FHB 6)
- Salaries and Benefits - Faculty (FHB 4)
- University Community - Faculty (FHB 8)
- Visiting Scholars
Professional & Scientific (P&S)
- Appointment Duration - P&S
- Classification System - P&S
- Compensation and Salary Structure - P&S
- Dismissal, Unsatisfactory Performance - P&S
- Dispute Resolution - P&S
- Employment of Out-of-State and Out-of-Country (International) Residents
- Hiring and Employment
- Non-Employment Dates – Exempt P&S
- P&S Council Constitution and Bylaws
- P&S Extra-Meritorious Performance Pay Program (EMPP)
- P&S Positions At-Will and Exempt from P&S Policies
- Pay Administration - P&S [IN DEVELOPMENT]
- Performance Management - P&S
- Recruitment and Selection - Staff
- Salary Structure - P&S
- Starting Rate of Pay - P&S
- Statement on Ethics - P&S
- Summary Dismissal - P&S
- Visiting Scholars
- Workforce Reorganization
- Workforce Reorganization - P&S
Leave, Work Days, & Hours
- Adoption Leave
- Conversion of Sick Leave to Vacation Credit
- Donated Leave for Catastrophic Illness
- Donated Leave for Catastrophic Illness or Injury
- Emergency Leave
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Flex Time
- Funeral or Pallbearer Leave
- Holidays
- Jury Duty and Court Service
- Leave of Absence without Pay - P&S
- Medical, Dental, and Optical Appointments
- Military Leave
- Office Hours
- Organ and Bone Marrow Donation Leave
- Pregnancy Leave
- Severe Weather and Emergency Closings
- Sick Time Off
- Spring Break - See Staffing Guidance for University Breaks
- Thanksgiving Break - See Staffing Guidance for University Breaks
- Time and Absence
- Vacation Time Off
- Winter Break - See Flexible Hours Program
- Work Week