Appointment Authority
Effective: April 1, 2022
Updated/Revised: February 25, 2025
Contact for Faculty - Office of Senior Vice President and Provost
Contact for P&S, Merit, Temporary, students - University Human Resources (UHR)
Contact for Graduate Assistants and Post-Doctoral Scholars - Graduate College
In order to assure compliance with law and Regents policy, and to manage risks associated with employment agreements, employment actions should be signed by persons with appropriate expertise, or who can assure appropriate review of the appointment.
The Iowa Board of Regents has delegated authority for appointment to specific university officials. This policy is intended to:
- Assure that appointment (hiring and renewals) of employees occurs through an authorized official, and
- Delegate authority to appropriate persons to ensure efficiency of operations.
While this policy specifies the delegation of authority for appointment, the "appointing authority" must also adhere to all applicable ISU policies and procedures regarding employment. This policy does not cover the offering of administrative appointments for faculty, or promotions in faculty rank. In the case of joint appointments (i.e., an appointment split between two or more units), there will be multiple appointing authorities; however, one is designated as the primary employing unit.
Policy Statement
Only those with delegated authority may hire employees of Iowa State University. A person who has authority to hire is an "appointing authority."
- The Iowa Board of Regents has retained authority to hire persons to fill the following positions:
- The president in accordance with Iowa Board of Regents Policy.
- The secretary and treasurer are appointed annually upon recommendation of the president.
- The president will make a recommendation to the Board for provosts, vice presidents, and direct reports to the president in leadership roles.
- By law, Regents policy, or rule, the following categories of employees may be appointed by the indicated persons:
- Academic administrators and faculty may be hired by the president. This authority has been further delegated as indicated in Sections C.1. and C.2., below.
- Merit employees may be hired by the vice president for University Human Resources (IAC 681-3.70, 3.81, and 3.82). This authority has been further delegated as indicated in Section C.3., below.
- Professional and Scientific (P&S) employees may be hired by the president. This authority has been further delegated as indicated in Section C.6., below.
- The following categories of employees may be appointed by the following appointing authorities:
- Academic administrators and faculty (tenured/tenure-eligible)may be hired by the senior vice president and provost or associate provost.
- Term Faculty may be hired by the respective dean.
- Merit employees may be hired by the president, respective senior vice president, vice president, associate provost, dean, center director or department chair/school director (in consultation with and with approval by University Human Resources).
- Graduate assistants may be appointed by the respective dean, center director, or department chair/school director (in accordance with Graduate College policies).
- Postdoctoral scholars may be appointed by the respective dean, center director, or department chair/school director (in accordance with Institutional policies).
- Professional and Scientific employees may be hired by the president, respective senior vice president, vice president, associate provost, dean, center director, or department chair/school director.
- Contract employees may be hired by the president, respective senior vice president or vice president, and, in the case of coaches other than head coaches of intercollegiate athletic teams, by the Athletic Director; however, before an appointing authority may hire, the employment agreement must be reviewed by the Office of General Counsel unless a pre-approved contract form is used.
- Contract agreements (for foreign national appointment) may be authorized by the senior vice president and provost or associate provost.
- Student employees may be hired by the respective employing unit head (senior vice president, vice president, associate provost, dean, center director, department chair/school director or supervisor).
- Temporary employees may be hired by the respective employing unit head (senior vice president, vice president, associate provost, dean, center director, department chair/school director or supervisor).
- Others may be granted authority from the appropriate university official through delegation in the university's enterprise management system.
- Employment action other than appointment takes place in accordance with applicable policies.
- Recruitment and Selection Policy - P&S
- Hiring and Employment Policy
- Employment References and Background Checks Policy
- Reasonable Accommodations (Disability) Policy
- Post-Retirement Employment Policy
- Compensation Administration Policy
- Compensation and Salary Structure Policy - P&S
- Additional Compensation Policy
- Employee Records Policy
- Records Retention Policy
- Signature Authority Policy for Internal Transactions
- Contracting Authority Policy (Non-employment Related)
- Contract Delegations Website
- Graduate College
- University Human Resources
- Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost
- Office of General Counsel
- Board of Regents Policy Manual (RPM) - Human Resources (2.1)
- IAC (Iowa Administrative Code)