Hiring and Employment

Reviewed and Updated: September 1, 2024
Contact: University Human Resources (UHR)


Related Policies
- Equal Employment Opportunity Statement
- Affirmative Action Statement
Roles and Responsibilities
- University Human Resources (UHR)
- UHR Service Delivery Team
- UHR Talent Acquisition
- Office of The Senior Vice President and Provost (SVPP)
- Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)
Managers and Employees
- Managers and Appointing Authorities
- Employees
External and Internal Search
P&S Transfer and Promotion
- Criteria
P&S Demotion
Faculty Appointment and Advancement
Merit Transfer, Promotion, and Demotion
Search Waiver


The university endeavors to cultivate a rewarding and productive work environment through the selection and retention of a highly qualified, talented, and diverse workforce. The university encourages, and supports, staff and faculty through the provision of opportunities to experience growth and advancement. top


This policy applies to all faculty, professional and scientific, merit, contract, and postdoctoral employees at Iowa State University, unless otherwise noted in specific sections of this policy.

Related Policies

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

Iowa State University (ISU) is committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and is committed to equal opportunity in all aspects of employment for all qualified persons and prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age, pregnancy, gender identity, veteran status, military service, disability unrelated to job requirements, genetic information, or other protected status. Iowa State University is dedicated to compliance with all applicable equal employment opportunity laws and regulations.

All persons with authority and influence over personnel and employment decisions are responsible for ensuring that the personnel decisions, including but not limited to decisions regarding hiring, promotion, tenure, transfers, pay, benefits, training, education, performance, layoffs, discipline, and termination are based on the principle of equal employment opportunity. 

All employment decisions shall be based on non-discriminatory, job-related qualifications and performance, using guidance and criteria provided by University Human Resources (UHR), the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost (SVPP), and the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) as applicable. Employment practices will be monitored for disparate impact on any protected class. top

Affirmative Action Statement

Iowa State University has committed itself to develop and implement affirmative action programs with respect to employment and to comply with all applicable federal, state, and Board of Regents' rules, regulations and policies relative to nondiscrimination.

An affirmative action plan is a tool used to identify equal employment opportunities for applicants and existing employees. To remain in compliance with U.S. federal regulations, all contractors doing business with the U.S. federal government who meet certain employment and contract levels are required to have such a program. Using quantitative analysis, affirmative action plans compare the composition of ISU’s workforce to that of relevant labor pools. When minorities and women are not employed or promoted at the rate which would be expected, considering their availability in a relevant labor pool, an affirmative action goal is identified.

Additional information can be found in Iowa State University’s Affirmative Action Policy (see Resources below). top

Policy Statement

Roles and Responsibilities

The following units are responsible for setting the policies, procedures and guidelines for employment, and will work with senior administrators to ensure that processes and guidelines are practical, current, and transparent with enough flexibility to serve the university’s mission.

University Human Resources (UHR)
University Human Resources is responsible for the development and oversight of professional and scientific and merit employment procedures and guidelines for hiring, transferring, promoting, classifying, and establishing salary for employees in accordance with the established affirmative action plan, equal employment opportunity (EEO) guidelines, State of Iowa Board of Regent’s policies, and other relevant state and federal regulations. top

UHR Service Delivery Team UHR service delivery teams, consisting of senior HR partners, HR partners, and HR coordinators, are responsible for providing front line advice and support to senior leaders, managers, and employees. The UHR service delivery team is responsible for administering employment procedures and guidelines to the university community for hiring, transferring, promoting, classifying, and establishing salary for employees in accordance with established university policy, affirmative action plan, EEO guidelines, State of Iowa Board of Regent’s policies, and other relevant state and federal regulations.

UHR Talent Acquisition

UHR Talent Acquisition is responsible for providing front line advice and support to hiring managers regarding recruitment, hiring, and establishing salary for employees in accordance with established university policy, affirmative action plan, EEO guidelines, State of Iowa Board of Regent’s policies, and other relevant state and federal regulations. In addition, they support the candidate experience for staff.

Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost (SVPP) 
The Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost is responsible for developing academic appointment procedures and guidelines for hiring, transferring, promoting, classifying, and establishing salary for employees in accordance with the established affirmative action plan, EEO guidelines, State of Iowa Board of Regent’s policies, and other relevant state and federal regulations. top

Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)

The Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) exists to ensure that the university’s commitment and goals toward equal opportunity are integral components of ISU’s policies and practices.

OEO is responsible for fostering an inclusive environment and setting policies and practices that create equal opportunity in employment and set standards for non-discriminatory practices. OEO strives to ensure that all university community members uphold federal, state, and campus nondiscrimination laws. 

The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) requires an affirmative action plan for any employer receiving federal money, such as grants. Employers are required to actively outreach to minorities and protected classes, and to ensure non-discrimination in employment practices. An affirmative action officer within the OEO will oversee compliance with the OFCCP and the development of the affirmative action plan and subsequent goals.

The OEO in partnership with University Human Resources and the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost will evaluate employment practices in coordination with the affirmative action officer for any potential impact on protected classes and recommend policy or practice revisions. top

Managers and Employees

Managers and Appointing Authorities

Managers and appointing authorities will play an important role in administering employment decisions with consideration for the university’s EEO statement and commitment to equal opportunity and non-discrimination in employment decisions. They are responsible for adhering to all relevant employment regulations, policies, practices, and guidelines in all employment actions.

It is the responsibility of the manager and appointing authority to follow the policies, procedures, and guidelines set forth by UHR, SVPP, and OEO in making and administering employment decisions.

Employees are responsible to discuss with their manager or UHR representative their interest in development opportunities, promotions, transfers, or raise questions about classification or pay. If employees have concerns about advice given on any of the above actions, they may seek assistance from guidance documentation associated with this policy, University Human Resources, the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost, or other offices as indicated by the nature of their concerns (OEO, University Ombuds, etc.) top

External and Internal Search

A search is the competitive recruitment process used to identify the best qualified candidates for a position. A search is visible to potential applicants, provides equal opportunity to applicants, and meets federal and state job listing requirements. It is also referred to as an open recruitment.

In light of Iowa State University's goal to diversify its employee population, it is the university's policy that when a position is posted, the pool of applicants for positions being filled be as broad and diverse as possible.

An external search is the competitive recruitment process used to identify the best-qualified candidates for a position both internally and externally to the university. In order to encourage a rewarding and productive work environment, and provide current employees opportunities for growth and advancement, an internal search may also be considered. An internal search is the competitive recruitment process used to identify the best-qualified internal university only candidates for a position. 

External and Internal searches for positions must be open for a minimum of seven (7) days. top

P&S Transfer and Promotion 

Transfers and promotions provide staff the opportunity for career growth and advancement at Iowa State University. Managers are encouraged to consider internal candidates from within departments throughout ISU, therefore managers should be supportive of employees who have the desire to enhance their skills or develop new competencies to pursue different or greater responsibilities and to transfer or promote within the ISU community.

Expressing an interest in a transfer or promotion at ISU will not adversely impact an employee’s current employment. There are, however, specific guidelines and criteria described in the Hiring and Employment Guidelines (see Resources below) associated with this policy for staff considering a transfer or promotion.


In all cases, the employee’s work record, including but not limited to performance, attendance, efforts to develop job related skills, demonstrated job related competencies, and behaviors may be used as valid criteria for determining suitability for hiring, promotion, and transfer. 

The Hiring and Employment Guidelines contain additional criteria and guidance for professional and scientific employees regarding eligibility for transfer and promotion. top

P&S Demotion

Demotion is defined as a change in status to a lower job level and/or pay grade level. Demotion may be voluntary, involuntary, or as a result of reclassification. Standards and procedures used for involuntary demotion are outlined in the university's policies concerning performance appraisal and dismissal. 

If an employee changes positions (appointed through promotion, transfer, or demotion) outside the original departmental unit, the employee will be considered a new employee with respect to the university's policies concerning performance appraisal and dismissal. top

Faculty Appointment and Advancement

The Faculty Handbook (see Resources below) contains policy and procedure regarding faculty appointment and advancement.

Merit Transfer, Promotion, and Demotion

The Regent Merit System Rules (see Resources below) contain process and procedure regarding merit hiring and movement as set by the Board of Regents. top

Search Waiver

An open recruitment search process, in accordance with the University’s equal opportunity hiring policies and procedures, is the standard process for all University hires. However, a search waiver may be approved by the Office of Equal Opportunity where such waiver of the standard recruitment process demonstrates a compelling and extraordinary need.

Search waiver justifications must meet one of the following categories:

  • Highly Specialized Qualifications or Target of Excellence: Where a particular position needing to be filled is in an extraordinarily narrow field such that the recruitment of an appropriately qualified professional is extremely rare, or where there is an unusual opportunity to hire an individual whose distinctive qualifications and extraordinary promise or accomplishments will contribute significantly to the excellence of the University’s mission, such as a particularly distinguished scholar or a nationally renowned professional.
  • Dual Career: When recruitment/retention of a candidate/employee is dependent on an appointment of a spouse/partner, in accordance with the University’s dual career procedures.
  • Emergency Hire: There is an urgent and unanticipated need to fill a position, there is not enough time to conduct a search, and the candidate has the expertise and is available to begin immediately.

In all instances above, the candidate must be qualified for the position.

This search waiver policy does not apply to: implementation of internal position changes resulting from promotions, demotions, or reassignments; disability accommodation placements, succession planning/leadership rotation programs; approved changes in employee full-time/part-time status; reduction in force programs; temporary, event, or seasonal positions; student employees; positions governed by Regents Merit System Rules, or positions required to be filled in accordance with a collective bargaining agreement. top


It may be necessary for the institution to reorganize or restructure the operations of the university to further strategic goals or improve operational efficiency. Campus leadership shall work with University Human Resources and the Office of Equal Opportunity to create a fair and equal process for impacted employees. The process will be designed to balance the strategic goals of the restructure with consideration for the impacted employees.

For the purposes of this policy, restructuring is considered any reorganization that impacts employees beyond a single department. Refer to Iowa State University’s Workforce Reorganization Policy (see Resources below) for more information. top
