Inclusive Language
Effective: Moved to Policy Library from UPM 3.1(6)
Reviewed and Updated: February 26, 2018
Contact: Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)
Iowa State University encourages the use of language and illustrations that create an environment of respect for human diversity, individual rights, and the equal dignity and worth of all human beings. It also discourages the use of language and illustrations that reinforce demeaning attitudes, assumptions, and stereotypes or overlook certain populations.
Policy Statement
All university publications and communication, whether oral or written, shall use inclusive language and illustrations. Inclusive language refers to language that makes every attempt to include comprehensively all groups in the community. Whenever possible, selection of academic materials will also reflect efforts to uphold this university policy.
Compliance with this policy shall be the responsibility of all faculty and staff. The offices of diversity and inclusion, equal opportunity, multicultural student affairs, dean of students, senior vice president and provost, and the president, and the Margaret Sloss women's center shall address concerns and supply guidance as requested and appropriate.