Affirmative Action

Effective: Moved to Policy Library from UPM 4.1(1), UPM 4.3(4)
Reviewed and Updated: February 26, 2018
Contact: Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)


Iowa State University has committed itself to develop and implement affirmative action programs with respect to employment and to comply with all applicable federal, state, and Board of Regents' rules, regulations and policies relative to nondiscrimination.

Policy Statement

While this institution's commitment to affirmative action encompasses and governs employment decisions of all university employing units, it does not, however, obviate the responsibilities and prerogatives of such units to:

  • Develop appropriate job descriptions where warranted
  • Utilize existing job descriptions which have already been modified
  • Recruit, screen applications, interview applicants and select personnel deemed most suitable for the positions to be filled

Neither the university nor any of its employing units is required by law to grant preferential treatment to individuals to achieve affirmative action goals. At the same time, it is incumbent upon the university to demonstrate that:

  • Positive steps have been taken to recruit and employ members of those groups protected by federal regulations who are not currently adequately represented in our work force
  • Our selection procedures have not had an indefensible disparate effect on any particular class of individuals

Therefore, applicants are allowed to self-identify. (See Resources below.)

ISU, as a federal contractor, is required by 41 CFR Chapter 60 to develop and implement a monitoring system to assess its affirmative action employment efforts in terms of recruitment and employment. Each search for faculty and Professional and Scientific hires shall include review and approval of the applicant pool by the university PRIOR to:

  • Interviews
  • Review and approval of the hiring recommendation
  • Extending an offer of employment
