Status message

Requested record is inactive.

Account Collection, Employee

Effective: Moved to Policy Library from UPM 11.2(5)
Reviewed: December 2015
Contact: Accounts Receivable Office


This policy is in effect to reduce the current and future debts owed Iowa State University by employees.

Policy Statement

Any employee whose university receivables account (U-Bill) becomes 90 days delinquent may lose extension of credit privileges pertaining to their ability to charge goods and services to their U-Bill. In the event the employee does not cure their default within the given statutory time, that particular employee will be held from receiving the benefit of charging to their U-Bill the services provided by the various departments at Iowa State University. The services include but are not limited to travel advances, library services, parking privileges, employee dining services, purchasing staff/faculty athletic tickets, recreation services, University Book Store purchases, ITS computer software purchases and PPP Internet service.
