Radioactive Material Use Authorization
Effective: Moved to Policy Library from UPM 12.12(31), UPM 9.17(1), UPM 9.17(2), UPM 9.17(3)
Reviewed and Updated: March 2025
Contact: Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S)
The Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) is responsible for ensuring the safe use of radioactive materials and radiation producing devices. The Vice President for Research (VPR) is authorized to provide oversight of the Radiation Safety Committee for the institution. The Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) is responsible for managing the Radiation Safety Program with guidance from the RSC. The Radiation Safety Program is governed by the Iowa Administrative Code, ISU's Broad Scope Radioactive Materials License, and the Radioactive Materials Safety Manual (see Resources below).
Policy Statement
Persons wishing to use radioactive materials must submit an application to the Radiation Safety Officer who will review the application and forward it to the RSC for approval. The application form and explanation of the process are found in the Radioactive Materials Safety Manual.
The RSC must specifically authorize each new project involving the use of radioactive material and radiation producing devices at Iowa State University.