Student Organization Recognition

Effective: July 1, 2007
Updated/Revised: March 3, 2025
Contact: Student Activities Center


Policy Statement

Benefits of Recognition
Achieving and Renewing Recognition
Student Support Services Exemption
Recognition Requirements
Recognition Classification
-- Campus Organizations
-- Student Organizations
Recognition Tiers - Student Organizations
-- Sponsored Organizations
-- Affiliated Organizations
-- Registered Organizations
Confidentiality and Regulation of Material
Termination of Organization's Recognition
Appeals -- Termination of Recognition
Appeals -- Recognition Tier Decision
Appeals -- Individual Membership Decision


All organizations must be recognized with the Student Activities Center, Division of Student Affairs, in order to function within the university. Recognized organizations play an important role in developing leadership and providing a quality campus environment. Because of their importance, recognized organizations are accorded special privileges and benefits.

The student organizations recognition board (SORB) is a team of students and staff that determines the approval or denial of an application for recognition by student and campus organizations. If recognition is approved, the SORB also designates which recognition tier the organization is assigned. SORB members are selected through an application process with objective consideration for broad representation from all student organizations.

Students bring to the campus a variety of interests previously acquired, and they develop many new interests as part of the university community. They should be free to organize and join associations to promote their interests. Iowa State University (ISU) acknowledges the important value that volunteer associations of students have as a part of the educational process. Recognized organizations play an important role in developing student leadership and providing quality campus environments. top

Policy Statement

It is the responsibility of each recognized organization to adhere to the mission of this university, its supporting strategic plan, policies, and procedures. Organizations must abide by all local, state and federal laws. An organization's goals, objectives, and activities must not deviate from established university policies and procedures. Because participation in student organizations may enhance a student’s educational experience and the university deems this important to our student’s education, recognized organizations are accorded special privileges and benefits. top

Benefits of Recognition

Recognition gives organizations access to a number of services and consideration for eligibility for many benefits. Some of the services or benefits listed below involve charges that the organization must pay. All services and benefits are not available to all recognized organizations since some services and benefits depend on the recognition tier in which the organization is classified and because of additional criteria and processes that may be required by the university department or unit that is responsible for providing the specific service or benefit.

  • Recognition as a university organization
  • Use of the university’s trademarks in accordance with the ISU trademark licensing office's policy and guidelines
  • Establishment of an account with the campus organizations accounting office and appropriate purchasing privileges in accordance with university guidelines and expectations
  • Inclusion in appropriate university publications
  • Publication of activities through the university calendar
  • Use of information technology services' learning and teaching technologies equipment/services (funded through Student Government)
  • Utilization of the student organizations website
  • Eligibility, but not the right, to use ISU vehicles in accordance with state and university policies, procedures, guidelines and insurance requirements
  • Eligibility, but not the right, to utilize university staff and programming resources
  • Eligibility to apply for awards and honors presented to university recognized organizations and members
  • Eligibility for use of campus meeting facilities
  • Eligibility to apply for Memorial Union student office space and/or storage space allocations
  • Eligibility to be considered for Student Government's student fee allocations top

Achieving and Renewing Recognition

In order to exercise the privileges accorded to recognized organizations, organizations must file an online submission through the student organizations website including organizational information, the compliance agreement form, and the organization's constitution and bylaws. Upon receiving this information, the Student Activities Center staff will review it and submit it to the SORB for consideration.

If approved for recognition, the SORB will determine the classification for the organization (student organization or campus organization), and if it is deemed a student organization the SORB will assign the appropriate recognition tier (see below). top

Student Support Services Exemption

The student support services program (SSSP) is exempt from the recognition renewal requirement. The SSSP provides essential services to students as determined by the Student Activities Center and the Student Government or the Graduate and Professional Student Senate in conjunction with the Division of Student Affairs. SSSP may be funded with student fee allocations and/or university funds. The delivery of these services is directed and overseen by the Student Government and the Division of Student Affairs. top

Recognition Requirements

An organization is a voluntary special interest group organized for educational, social, and service purposes and comprised of its members. Organizations are separate legal entities from ISU and legally are not treated the same as university departments or units. Organizations can exist whether or not the university recognizes them pursuant to this policy. Through university recognition, organizations receive some special privileges and benefits, as well as have certain responsibilities to the university community. Organizations that request funding from the Student Government or Graduate Professional Student Senate are required to be recognized by the university. Recognition as an organization requires the following:

  1. Organizations must be established for purposes that do not violate local, state or federal law; are consistent with the broad educational mission of the university; and are supportive of the regulations, guidelines and policies of ISU. The university recognizes that some student organizations may have a purpose to advocate for a change in existing law and this provision does not prevent the student organization from exercising its first amendment right to do so. top
  2. Annual recognition is required a minimum of once within a 12 month period with the Student Activities Center.
  3. ISU recognizes that a nondiscriminatory environment complements its commitment to academic inquiry, intellectual discourse and personal growth. ISU also recognizes the interests of students to organize and associate with like-minded students. Accordingly, any individual who subscribes to the goals and beliefs of a student organization may participate in and become a member of the organization.

    Membership and participation in the organization must be open to all students without regard to race, ethnicity, pregnancy, color, religion, national origin, physical or mental disability, age (40 and over), marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, status as a U.S veteran (disabled, Vietnam, or other), or other protected class. Membership and participation in the organization must also be open without regard to sex, unless exempt under Title IX. Organizations that select their members and/or leaders on the basis of a commitment to a set of beliefs may limit membership and participation in the organization to students who, upon individual inquiry by the organization, affirm that they support the organization's goals and agree with its beliefs, so long as no student who meets the other criteria for membership or participation is excluded based of his or her status of race, ethnicity, sex, pregnancy, color, religion, national origin, physical or mental disability, age (40 and over), marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, status as a U.S veteran (disabled, Vietnam, or other), or other protected class. top
  4. The organization must be nonprofit in nature.
  5. New organizations must submit a constitution at the time of making their initial request for recognition by ISU.
  6. Officers
    1. The compliance agreement form submitted for recognition shall certify that the student officers listed are currently enrolled, not on conduct probation or academic probation, and have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 and above.
    2. The organization is required to have a president and treasurer (or parallel leadership positions) and those roles must be held by two distinct individuals. Other leadership positions are optional. The president and treasurer (or parallel leadership positions) are required to be trained annually through the officer training program. top
  7. Operations
    1. The president, treasurer (or parallel leadership positions) and adviser(s) of each organization shall agree to inform their membership of ISU's policies affecting their organization and provide an assurance that their organization will comply with these policies. The president, treasurer (or parallel leadership positions) and adviser(s) must further verify that their organization follows all local, state and federal laws.
    2. Annually, each student organization must, at a minimum, provide the full names, local home addresses, local phone numbers and e-mail addresses of its president, treasurer (or parallel leadership positions), three additional student members and each of its advisers. Campus organizations must provide the same information except that the three additional members do not have to be students. This contact information must be kept current in the Student Activities Center through the utilization of the student organization website and compliance agreement form.
    3. Since some university services and benefits require knowledge of a student’s membership in the organization requesting the service or benefit, all organizations are encouraged to have a full membership roster on file with the Student Activities Center via the student organization database. For example, if a member of an organization wants to request approval to drive or ride in a university vehicle for an organization event or activity, that member must be listed on the organization’s full membership roster.
    4. Grievances within or among organizations that are not resolved by the Student Activities Center shall be reviewed by the Student Government supreme court. Actions of the Student Government supreme court may be appealed to the Dean of Students Office. Guidelines are on file in the Dean of Students Office and in Student Government.
    5. Organizations are required to submit an annual year-end report that includes a detailed summary of their activities for the past year, any amendments to their constitution and bylaws, and any amendments to their operations manual. This report must be filed in the Student Activities Center by the end of each academic or fiscal year (June 30).
    6. Recognition granted for residence hall associations, residence hall houses, sports clubs, and fraternities and sororities are subject to additional policies administered by the respective office and/or organization: Campus Organizations Accounting Office, Department of Residence, Recreation Services, and the Dean of Students Office - Office of Greek affairs.
    7. Each organization must identify the member responsible for risk management. This could be an existing officer (for example: president or treasurer) or a new officer position identified in the constitution and bylaws. top
  8. Fiscal Responsibilities
    1. Organizations must maintain financial accounts with the Campus Organizations Accounting Office, and must conduct all financial matters in a responsible manner. Except as noted in 8.c. below, transactions must be processed through the Campus Organizations Accounting Office in accordance with campus organizations policies and procedures. Student and campus organizations may not hold accounts outside of the university unless authorized by the Campus Organizations Accounting Office and the Student Activities Center.
    2. Individuals paid by recognized organizations are not considered ISU employees unless those individuals are also employed by ISU in another capacity. However, payments may be processed through Payroll by the Campus Organizations Accounting Office for these individuals as a convenience to the organization. In these instances, the payroll action is processed with the following verbiage, “special conditions: not an ISU employee—on payroll as a convenience; not eligible for ISU benefits.” For example, some Student Government officers (students) are not considered “employed” by Iowa State University. Student services employees and some employees of sponsored organizations are considered ISU employees.
    3. When certain purchases are made for sponsored organizations or affiliated organizations, or when certain types of acquisitions, including but not limited to the examples noted below, are made by any recognized organization using Student Government funding, the acquisitions become university property and/or the university inherits certain risks and obligations. To help protect the university, the recognized organization, its members and its adviser, such acquisitions must be consistent with university policy, follow university procurement procedures and be processed through ISU Procurement Services. A university department must be willing to assume ownership and take responsibility for maintenance, storage, insurance costs (if any) and appropriate use before Student Government funding can be accepted by a recognized organization and an acquisition can be made. The university department assuming responsibility must process a requisition for these items through ISU Procurement Services. Examples of these acquisitions include:
      • Equipment items with a cost of $5,000 or more that are placed on the university’s inventory
      • Boats, jet skis, diving or marine gear
      • Ammunition and weapons of all kinds
      • Aircraft, gliders and sky diving gear
      • Drones, weather balloons and related items
      • All types of motorized vehicles and cycles
      • Animals and livestock
      • Portable buildings and enclosures used by people or animals
      • Devices, tools, small equipment that normally would be used in higher risk activities (construction, welding, mountain climbing, etc.)
      • Hazardous materials or chemicals
      • Other equipment or services identified by the Office of Risk Management that have liability exposures. When a question exists regarding liability exposures the recognized organization, Student Government or the department should contact the Office of Risk Management. top
  9. Membership
    1. All organizations must have at least five members not including their adviser(s).
    2. Membership in a student organization must be composed primarily of ISU students (minimum 80% student membership) and be controlled and directed by ISU students. Only ISU student members shall have voting rights in a student organization. Membership is not open to children under the age of 18 who are not enrolled ISU students. Non-university community members who are at least 18 years of age may participate in the activities of student organizations but may not be voting members. If the student organization desires to allow children under the age of 18 who are not ISU students to participate in the activities of the student organization, the student organization must follow the requirements contained in the youth activities, pre-collegiate programs and camps policy, including that the youth participant must have permission to participate from a parent or guardian.
    3. Membership in a campus organization is open to university community members who are at least 18 years of age (faculty, staff, students, spouses/partners of these persons, and/or retired faculty) and non-university community members (alumni, Ames and surrounding community residents). Non-university community members who are at least 18 years of age may participate in the activities of campus organizations and act as voting members, provided at least 50% of voting members belong to the university as defined in this section. Membership is not open to children under the age of 18 who are not enrolled ISU students. If the campus organization desires to allow children under the age of 18 who are not ISU students to be members or participate in the activities of the campus organization, the campus organization must follow the requirements contained in the youth activities, pre-collegiate programs and camps policy, including that the youth participant must have permission to participate from a parent or guardian.
    4. For the purposes of this policy, community college students who have been accepted into the admissions partnership program who have chosen to pay the optional student activities fee shall be considered ISU students. Admissions partnership program participants who do not pay the optional student activities fee shall be considered non-university community members. top
  10. Advisers
    1. University advisers are required for all organizations. Advisers shall be faculty members whenever possible in order to promote student-faculty interaction outside of the classroom. Professional and Scientific staff with advising experience and/or relevant expertise may also serve as university advisers. Merit staff, with advising experience and/or relevant expertise may also serve as university advisers upon approval from the Student Activities Center and the employee’s department chair or unit director.
    2. Advisers must be employed at ISU on at least a halftime, continuous basis. The Division of Student Affairs shall have the right to not approve advisers of student or campus organizations which are on disciplinary probation as determined by the Office of Student Conduct (OSC) or the Student Activities Center.
    3. All advisers will be required to complete the adviser training program as required by the Student Activities Center and sign the adviser agreement annually. The Student Activities Center will provide specific information to organizations about these requirements.
    4. Graduate assistants may serve as additional advisers in conjunction with university advisers who meet the requirements stated above; however, they will not have signing authority (i.e., financial transactions (vouchers/intramurals), contracts, etc.). top
  11. Constitution and Bylaws
    1. In order to complete the recognition process, all organizations must have an approved constitution and bylaws. Sponsored and affiliated student organizations must also provide a copy of the charter, constitution and/or bylaws of any organization external to the university with which such group may be affiliated.
    2. Required components of the constitution and bylaws:
      • All recognized organizations at Iowa State University must include a general statement about membership eligibility, standards, and requirements. For example, "Membership shall be open to all students at Iowa State University."

        The membership selection process, types of membership, and procedures for disciplining and/or removing members should also be outlined here if not already appearing in the bylaws. If a student organization selects its membership based on a commitment to a set of goals and beliefs, the constitution and bylaws should clearly identify the goals and beliefs of the organization.
      • All recognized organizations at ISU must include the following statement (or its equivalent) in their constitution and bylaws:

        "The student officers of this organization must meet the following requirements:
      1. Have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) as stated in this paragraph and meet that minimum GPA in the semester of election/appointment and semesters during the term of office. For undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, the minimum cumulative GPA is 2.00.
      2. Be in good standing with the university and enrolled: at least half time (six or more credit hours) if an undergraduate student during the term of office (unless fewer credits are required to graduate in the spring and fall semesters), and at least half time (four or more credits) if a graduate level student during their term of office (unless fewer credits are required in the final stages of their degree as defined by the continuous registration requirement).
      3. Be ineligible to hold an office should the student fail to maintain the requirements as prescribed in (i) and (ii)."
      • All recognized organizations at ISU must include the following statement (or its equivalent) in their constitution:

        "All monies belonging to this organization shall be deposited and disbursed through a bank account established for this organization at the campus organizations accounting office and/or approved institution/office (must receive authorization via Campus Organizations Accounting Office and Student Activities Center). All funds must be deposited within 48 hours after collection. The adviser to this organization must approve each expenditure." See Fiscal Responsibilities above.

      • If an organization's constitution is deemed acceptable after review by the Student Activities Center, it may be forwarded to the SORB for further review. The SORB will review the constitution and ratify it by a majority vote. If a constitution is rejected, the organization has thirty (30) calendar days to revise and resubmit the constitution for approval. top

Recognition Classification

All recognized organizations are required to file appropriate paperwork with the Student Activities Center in order to be considered active at ISU. There are two recognition classifications: campus organizations and student organizations. Organizations are classified according to who may serve as the officers and who their primary members are.

Campus Organizations
[This subsection regarding campus organizations is currently being revised] 

Campus organizations are voluntary special interest groups organized for educational, scholarship, social and service purposes. All campus organizations must be recognized by the Student Activities Center in order to function within the university and exercise the privileges of recognition. Membership is open to university community members (faculty, staff, students, spouses/partners of these persons, and/or retired faculty) and non-university community members who are at least 18 years of age (alumni, Ames and surrounding community residents). Membership in a campus organization must be composed of a minimum of 50% ISU student, faculty or staff.

Membership is not open to children under the age of 18 who are not enrolled ISU students. If the campus organization desires to allow children under the age of 18 who are not ISU students to participate in the activities of the campus organization, the campus organization must follow the requirements contained in the youth activities, pre-collegiate programs and camps policy, including that the youth participant must have permission to participate from a parent or guardian.

Non-university community members who are at least 18 years of age may participate in the activities of campus organizations and act as voting members, provided at least 50% of voting members belong to the university as defined in this section. The president, treasurer, and adviser, as well as the majority of the officers of a campus organization, must be members of the university community. The university recognizes but does not necessarily support or endorse the purposes of these campus organizations and may not accept responsibility or liability for the activities undertaken by the organization. top

In addition to the university resources available to all recognized organizations, campus organizations shall:

  • Select an adviser in cooperation with the Student Activities Center and in accordance with organization recognition requirements. The adviser must be a university employee.
  • If connected with a sponsored or affiliated organization or a university department or unit, comply with any rules, procedures, and expectations established by that sponsored and/or affiliated organization or university department or unit.
  • Receive only limited support from the university in regards to risk management, legal advice, and contract review as part of the event authorization process or when written university approval is obtained for use of university services or benefits.

Campus organizations may receive third priority consideration for:

  • Memorial Union student office space allocations
  • Reserved space for events at the Iowa State Memorial Union, other ISU facilities, and outdoor venues through the event management process and other university scheduling processes

Campus organizations may have limited use of university trademarks. Campus organizations will need to follow appropriate criteria and guidelines from each university department or unit to receive these services and benefits. top

Student* Organizations

A recognized student organization at ISU is any group

  • Whose primary membership consists of students currently enrolled at ISU;
  • Formed in order to contribute to the students' personal development; and
  • Properly recognized by the Student Activities Center within the Division of Student Affairs.

All student organizations must be recognized by the Student Activities Center in order to function within the university. The officers of the organization must be students. Membership in a student organization must be composed primarily of students (minimum 80% student membership) and be controlled and directed by students.

Membership is not open to children under the age of 18 who are not enrolled ISU students. If the student organization desires to allow children under the age of 18 who are not ISU students to participate in the activities of the student organization, the student organization must follow the requirements contained in the youth activities, pre-collegiate programs and camps policy, including that the youth participant must have permission to participate from a parent or guardian.

Officers must be currently enrolled, not on temporary enrollment, not on conduct probation and have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above. top

* For the purposes of this policy, community college students who have been accepted into the admissions partnership program who have chosen to pay the optional student activities fee shall be considered ISU students. Admissions partnership program participants who do not pay the optional student activities fee shall be considered non-university community members.

Recognition Tiers- Student Organizations

Each student organization granted recognition by ISU is recognized as sponsored, affiliated, or registered. The recognition tier is determined by assessing the student organization's relationship to the university, the purpose and scope of its activities, the university population served, and the perceived potential risk to participants and the university.

The relationship of student organizations to ISU is determined by evaluating the student organization’s mission and goals as they relate to the mission, vision, goals and culture identified by the university in its strategic planning documents.

The privileges and responsibilities associated with each type of recognized student organization are outlined below. top

Sponsored Organizations

The privileges of becoming a recognized student organization at ISU are not extended without careful consideration. Sponsored organizations are those considered critical to the mission and culture of the university and work in partnership with a university department or office. These organizations are inherently linked to the university because of their role representing ISU or in presenting events of broad appeal that are considered an integral part of the institution. Sponsored organizations routinely present events for the campus and broader community, and typically work in a collaborative relationship with a university department or office. The organization's purpose and effect are to serve a broad segment of the campus community, not just its membership.

Once recognized, the events and activities presented by the organization should accurately and positively reflect the mission, vision, goals and culture of the university, as well as the rules and standards of the institution. The recognition process requires action by both student leaders and the university. As such, this process creates a mutually beneficial relationship between student organizations and the university. top

In addition to the university resources available to all recognized organizations, sponsored organizations shall have:

  • A full-time professional staff or faculty member whose job description designates them as the primary adviser to the sponsored organization in accordance with organization recognition requirements. These advisers are considered experts within the respective organization's area of interest.
  • A university department or unit must provide oversight and direct responsibility for the organization and its activities.
  • Routinely presented events of broad appeal for the campus and community. Organization operations and event planning are complex and the majority of the events/programs are university-wide. Sponsored organizations routinely present events for the campus and broader community, and are expected to work closely with the appropriate university department or office in the planning of these events.
  • Support from the university in regard to risk assessment/management, legal advice, and contract review. top

In addition to the responsibilities of all recognized organizations, sponsored organizations must also meet the following expectations:

  • Designate a risk management officer or define an officer's responsibilities to be a risk manager and serve as a member of the organization's executive team. This officer is responsible for developing and maintaining standard operating procedures that are reviewed on an annual basis by the organization and are consistent with university policies.
  • Maintain a current operations manual. A typical operations manual might include such topics as an event planning timeline, risk management practices, public relations practices, fiscal management practices, an evaluation methodology, membership recruitment strategies, and campus contacts and resources. top

Because of high complexity, sponsored organizations may receive first priority consideration for:

  • Memorial Union student office space allocations
  • Reserved space for university-wide annual events at the Iowa State Memorial Union, other ISU facilities, and outdoor venues through the event management process and other university scheduling processes
  • Use of university trademarks

Sponsored organizations will need to follow appropriate criteria and guidelines from each respective university department or unit to receive these services and benefits. top

Affiliated Organizations

Affiliated organizations are those that serve the broad interests of students and the general public, not just its members. They contribute to the mission, vision, goals and culture of the university by routinely presenting events for campus and their related department’s members and invited guests. A university department or unit must provide oversight and direct responsibility for the organization and its activities. Affiliated organizations may also be directly associated with an academic class or class requirement. top

In addition to the university resources available to all recognized organizations, affiliated organizations shall:

  • Select an adviser in cooperation with the Student Activities Center and in accordance with organization recognition requirements. Preferably the adviser would be employed by the related university department or unit congruent with the student organization’s purpose and knowledgeable of the proposed activities contemplated by the organization. The adviser must be a university employee.
  • Maintain a current operations manual. A typical operations manual might include such topics as an event planning timeline, risk management practices, public relations practices, fiscal management practices, an evaluation methodology, membership recruitment strategies, and campus contacts and resources.
  • Comply with any rules, procedures, and expectations established by the responsible university department or unit.
  • Receive support from the university in regards to risk assessment/management, legal advice, and contract review. top

Because of their broad impact, affiliated organizations may receive second priority consideration for:

  • Memorial Union student office space allocations
  • Reserved space for university-wide annual events at the Iowa State Memorial Union, other ISU facilities, and outdoor venues through the event management process and other university scheduling processes
  • Use of university trademarks

Affiliated organizations will need to follow appropriate criteria and guidelines from each university department or unit to receive these services and benefits. top

Registered Organizations

Registered organizations are those that are consistent with the mission and culture of the university and primarily engage in activities that benefit their membership. These organizations are primarily interest groups capable of functioning with minimal support. The university recognizes but does not support or endorse the purposes of these registered organizations and may not accept responsibility or liability for the activities undertaken by the organization.

In addition to the university resources available to all recognized organizations, registered organizations shall:

  • Select an adviser in cooperation with the Student Activities Center and in accordance with organization recognition requirements. The adviser must be a university employee.
  • Maintain a current operations manual. A typical operations manual might include such topics as an event planning timeline, risk management practices, public relations practices, fiscal management practices, an evaluation methodology, membership recruitment strategies, and campus contacts and resources.
  • If connected with a sponsored or affiliated organization or a university department or unit, comply with any rules, procedures, and expectations established by that sponsored and/or affiliated organization or university department or unit.
  • Receive only limited support from the university in regards to risk management, legal advice, and contract review as part of the event authorization process or when written university approval is obtained for use of university services or benefits. top

Registered organizations may receive third priority consideration for:

  • Memorial Union student office space allocations
  • Reserved space for events at the Iowa State Memorial Union, other ISU facilities, and outdoor venues through the event management process and other university scheduling processes

Registered organizations may have limited use of university trademarks. Registered organizations will need to follow appropriate criteria and guidelines from each university department or unit to receive these services and benefits.

An appeals process exists for those organizations desiring a recognition tier different than that into which they were initially placed or, based on additional information, an organization's recognition tier may be modified by the Student Activities Center. top

Confidentiality and Regulation of Material

The Student Activities Center shall maintain a file of recognized organizations. The Student Activities Center shall make the following available to anyone upon request:

  • Name of the organization
  • Purpose(s) of the organization
  • Location and phone number for the organization's office, if an office exists
  • Name and phone number of the adviser(s), president or chairperson, treasurer, and three other members of the organization

The Student Activities Center shall comply with laws governing confidentiality of student records. Student members of the leadership of a recognized student or campus organization may request that their names and contact information not be released to the public and be used only within the university for student organization purposes on a "need to know" basis. top

Complete rosters of members of recognized organizations shall not be required for recognition. However, use of some university resources, services and benefits will require membership to be listed on the student organizations’ roster. For example, if a member of an organization wants to request approval to drive or ride in a university vehicle for an organization event or activity, that member must be listed on the organization’s full membership roster.

Groups that have questions about the recognition process should seek the assistance of the Student Activities Center staff. top

Termination of Organization's Recognition

An organization's recognition is granted and governed by the SORB. The SORB is governed by the Division of Student Affairs - Student Activities Center. This recognition may be terminated for the following reasons:

  • Submission of material for recognition known or determined by the Student Activities Center to be false
  • Failure to reregister annually
  • Failure to follow university regulations governing organizations
  • Failure to follow university policies and procedures, and/or State of Iowa and federal laws
  • Upon notification by the organization’s national, regional or other parent entity with which it is affiliated that the organization has failed to follow the rules, policies or guidelines of the organization’s national, regional or other parent entity

Except in cases of emergency, the organization will be given ten business days notice and an opportunity to be heard before termination. The organization shall have the right to appeal the termination decision. See the Appeals sections below. top

Appeals - Termination of Recognition

An organization may have its recognition terminated by the Student Activities Center due to:

  • Submission of material for recognition known or determined by the Student Activities Center to be false
  • Failure to re-register annually by the stated deadline within the student organization website
  • Upon notification by the organization’s national, regional or other parent entity with which it is affiliated that the organization has failed to follow the rules, policies or guidelines of the organization’s national, regional or other parent entity

Organizations whose recognition is terminated for the reasons stated above may appeal the termination decision to the appeal administrator.

The director of the Student Activities Center will act as the appeal administrator. The director of the Memorial Union will act as the appeal administrator if the director of the Student Activities Center is unable to serve due to conflict of interest or absence.

A written appeal stating the grounds for appeal must be filed with the appeal administrator within ten business days of receipt of the decision being appealed. top

The appeal administrator will decide one of the following:

  • Uphold the original decision
  • Remand for a new termination of recognition process review for the organization
  • Grant the appeal and permit the organization to remain recognized

The appeal administrator will provide a written decision to the organization’s president within ten business days of the appeal review. An appeal may be taken within ten business days to the senior vice president for student affairs.

The Student Activities Center may determine that an organization should have its recognition terminated due to:

  • Failure to follow university regulations governing organizations
  • Failure to follow university policies and/or procedures, or State of Iowa and/or federal laws

In such cases, the Student Activities Center shall file a report and recommendation of misconduct with the Office of Student Conduct (OSC) under Section 5.1 of the ISU student disciplinary regulations (see Resources below). From that point forward all proceedings and appeal procedures are held under the procedures of the ISU student disciplinary regulations. top

Appeals - Recognition Tier Decision

An organization has the right to appeal a tier designation decision of the SORB or the determination by the Student Activities Center to change or modify an organization's recognition tier. An appeal provides a limited review of the original decision. It is not an opportunity to present the evidence again or to re-evaluate credibility. If an error has been made, in most cases the matter will be returned to the SORB so that the error may be corrected.

One of the following two conditions must be used as a basis for appeal:

  • Discovery of new information that was not available at the time of the decision
  • The recognition process was not followed

The director of the Student Activities Center will act as the appeal administrator. The director of the Memorial Union will act as the appeal administrator if the director of the Student Activities Center is unable to serve due to conflict of interest or absence. top

A written appeal stating the grounds for appeal must be filed with the appeal administrator within ten business days of receipt of the written SORB decision being appealed.

The appeal administrator will decide one of the following:

  • Uphold the original decision
  • Remand the case back to the SORB for its reconsideration consistent with the findings of the appeal administrator
  • Remand for a new recognition process review for the organization
  • Modify the recognition tier assigned by the SORB

The appeal administrator will provide a written decision to the SORB Chair within ten business days of the appeal review. An appeal may be taken within ten business days to the senior vice president for student affairs. top

Appeals - Individual Membership Decision

An individual has the right to appeal the membership or participation decision of a student organization. An appeal provides a limited review of the original decision of the organization.

The director of the Student Activities Center will act as the appeal administrator. The director of the Memorial Union will act as the appeal administrator if the director of the Student Activities Center is unable to serve due to conflict of interest or absence. top

A written appeal stating the grounds for appeal must be filed with the appeal administrator within ten business days of receipt of the written student organization membership or participation decision being identified.

  • The appeal administrator will review the circumstances involved in the situation.
  • The appeal administrator will provide a written decision to the individual and the organization involved within ten business days of the appeal review.
  • Depending on the concern of the appeal, other university grievance channels may be exercised beyond the appeal administrator (i.e., Dean of Students Office-Student Conduct, Student Government supreme court, Office of Equal Opportunity, Senior Vice President for Student Affairs). top
