Vending on Campus

Effective: Moved to Policy Library from UPM 2.3(4)
Reviewed and Updated: May 26, 2017
Contact: Specialty Business Services & Cultural Arts


As the university contracts for vending machine operations on campus, the contractor must provide all vending machine service on campus, without exception. Before campus sales are permitted, a review is required in order to meet contractual obligations, assess risk factors, and assure the safety of participants.

Policy Statement

Machines owned and/or operated by persons other than the contractor are prohibited from all campus buildings.

Placement and removal of vending machines on campus must have the approval of Business Services and the building supervisor of the affected building. Questions or problems relating to current or proposed placement of vending machines should be forwarded to Business Services.

While the university reserves the right to sell food and beverages for special occasions, such campus sales are to be reviewed and approved by Business Services and Risk Management. Food service and/or sales must be in compliance with the Iowa Food Code, Chapter 137F, as administered and enforced by The Food and Consumer Safety Bureau of the Department of Inspections and Appeals. Requests involving recognized student organizations require the approval of the Event Authorization Committee. Non-student requests must originate with Risk Management.
